LNWR Liverpool Road Station Manchester

Manchester Steam Users' Association Registers of Explosions

Letters from William Crookes to his laboratory assistant, Charles Henry Gimingham

Manuscript journal of John Bourne

Letter from Charles Dickens regarding the accident on Great Western Railway

Brewer's Journal (production record of the Stag Brewery, Wooburn Green, Bucks.)

Marshall's Geological Diagrams

Printed booklets of Special Rules and Regulations to be observed at specific collieries in England and Wales, made pursuant to the Coal Mines Regulations Act, 1872

A Practical Handbook of Dyeing and Calico-Printing

Catalogue of Useful Inventions for Cotton Spinners, Manufacturers and for all textile trades

Volume of reports by British science teachers on the 1867 Paris exhibition

Letters patent (no. 1471) granted to Joseph Rothery and Andrew Rothery for 'Improvements in Machinery or Apparatus for cutting coal, stone and other minerals'

Letters patent (no. 2871) granted to Henry Woodcroft Hammond for 'An Improved Compound Blower'

Letters patent (no. 992) granted to Captain William Henry Cutler for 'Improvements in Turbines'

Laboratory Book of Sir Oliver Lodge
Drawing of stop cock and blow off cock

Geometry for Children by Horace Grant

Elementary Chemistry: Lecture Notes of Prof. A. W. Hofmann, Berlin, Germany

Letters patent (no.522) granted to William Millard for 'Improvements in Jacquard looms'

Letters patent granted to Stephen Thomas Wentworth for 'Improvements in burners for consuming gas and air combined', plus ephemeral material

Letters patent (no.361) to Samuel Webb Thomas for 'Improvements in Bicycles'

Sviluppo di alcuni corpi Stereometrico Mineralogici secondo i celebri Autori Dufrenoy, Hauy, Mohs, Rose, Neumann

Journal describing Thomas Bowden's work as a jointer laying and repairing submarine cables
Printed sheet: Babbage's calculating machine

An edition of 'The Photogram' journal vol. 2 no. 17
Foulsham and Banfield Ltd Collection

Complete trains of the Analytical Engine
Arrangement drawings of no. 136 barque 'Girvan'

Drawing of 2-4-0T 3'6" Gauge Locomotive

Drawing of 2-4-0 3'6" Gauge Locomotive General Arrangement

Railway Signal Volume 3 (1885)
Folder of photos entitled '12 Wembley Snapshots'
Two letters from Sir Henry Bessemer to J. C. Bayley
Pamphlets relating to the Thirlmere Water Scheme

Scribbling Book Volume X

'A. Parkes new alloys of phosphorous'

Notes on phosphorous, tin and copper alloys

Notes and addresses

Drawing of 0-6-0 Engine

An Architectural and General Description of the Town Hall, Manchester

Note titled 'Stockton and Darlington Railway Jubilee'

Drawing of 5'3" Gauge Locomotive

Drawing of Midland Railway London, design of coal hoist, Sir W G Armstrong, Elswick Engine Works, Newcastle on Tyne, 23 Jan 1867
The Harrison Knitting Machine New Illustrated Instructions